RÜCKERT: Satisfied Longing

Friedrich RÜCKERT (1788-1866),
“Jugendlieder” – Werke, vol. 2, published 1816.

Set by Johann von Haszlinger, “Gestillte Sehnsucht”, op. 5 (Sechs Lieder für eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte) no. 2. Translation © Emily Ezust, Lied & Art Song Texts Page.

Gestillte Sehnsucht

Steeped in a golden evening glow,
how solemnly the forests stand!
In gentle voices the little birds breathe
into the soft fluttering of evening breezes.
What does the wind whisper, and the little birds?
They whisper the world into slumber.

You, my desires, that stir
in my heart without rest or peace!
You longings that move my heart,
When will you rest, when will you sleep?
By the whispering of the wind, and of the little birds?
You yearning desires, when will you fall asleep?

What will come of these dreamy flights?
What stirs me so anxiously, so sweetly?
It comes pulling me from far-off hills,
It comes from the trembling gold of the sun.
The wind whispers loudly, as do the little birds;
The longing, the longing - it will not fall asleep. 

Alas, when no longer into the golden distance
does my spirit hurry on dream-wings,
when no more on the eternally distant stars
does my longing gaze rest;
Then the wind and the little birds
will whisper away my longing, along with my life.